What a crazy couple of weeks!
1st of all, my mom and I had an amazing time in Hong Kong and China. I was able to source, develop and work on Spring production while my mom toured the streets. With it being my third visit to China, I had a much better understanding of the markets that I wanted to visit, so little time was wasted. Also, through a dear friend I was also able to meet with another factory, which just so happens to work with Valentino and Stella Mc Cartney! I can't believe that there is a chance that my clothing will
share a sewing machine with Stella's.... wth?
After returning to the states and enjoying a healthy portion of Mexican food, I started on fall 2011 and didn't stop until yesterday. But all 21 pieces have been put into work and I feel really great about the collection. Now I just need to make sure everything arrives before Chinese New Year.
On another note, I have received some more orders!!! one of which was from um.. er, FRED SEGAL GIRL!! Yay! Some other really amazing boutiques that have supported; Kyss, Tink, Allison by the beach, Isabella Dee, Apricot Lane, The red Balloon and It's a Luv thing. A big thanks to everyone.

The first photo is a health store in HK. The last two are from the fabric market in Hangzhou.
Have a great week!!!