Tuesday, November 2, 2010

in production...wowzers!!

I sent in my Spring production orders to China last night. To be totally honest, this was a day that I had been thinking about/dreading for a solid 2 months and now it's done. WHEW... The production stage has finally begun!! In the meantime, I must keep on truckin'. Working on sending at least half of my Fall 2011 tech packs out before I leave for Hong Kong and China on Thursday.

Yesterday I also received the most adorable package in the mail from my friend Bianca! I had ordered a couple pairs of booties from her shop Bink and Boo and found myself inspired just by the charming packaging! Then to open it up and find the well- made, find them at Bloomingdale's children's department for half the price, cutest lil' things ever inside...?! Well, it was an exciting day. Kudos to you Bianca, you have established a great company!! p.s I would love to brainstorm with you on packaging :)

Have a great day everyone.

image: a pretty pill


  1. I'm so happy for you Kendall. You have really pushed through this process like a champ! I cannot wait to see your pieces!! YAHOOO!


  2. That's awesome, I'm just getting caught up and this is so exciting!!

  3. So great! What a relief you must feel?:) Good luck in China!

  4. that is wonderful! so happy for you!!!

  5. Congrats!!! Let me know where I can try on your lovely designs.

  6. I can't wait to see what mouthwatering designs you flutter out!

  7. Seriously you are too kind! We need to catch up and SOON.
