Monday, August 9, 2010

meet frida.

Ahh Frida do I love thee?!

As creative director of Gucci there is just too much to love about this woman. Responsible for every creative aspect of the $2.8 billion dollar company, she was once known to go to work in her Converse all stars! Since taking the reigns, she has since sharpened up her look and demands the same from her employees. Rumor has it that she sent an employee home for wearing Birkenstocks.
In a country that has few young women in positions of power, at 37, Frida has proven herself a worthy component.

She is a self proclaimed control freak, collects records and loves Depeche Mode...OH right, and she creatively runs one of the top design houses in the world... my kind of woman.

Read the entire article here... and more here.

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