I thought I would share with you one of the embroidery layouts that I did for Spring 12. This is one of the less complicated ones, but there is still quite a bit that goes into laying out embroidery, or any embellishment for that matter. It's important to be really clear on placement, measurements, color and quality. For my Spring 12 collection, 8 out of the 31 styles put into work have some sort of embroidery or embellishment detail.
FYI this embroidery is going to be tonal- the yellow is a highlighter just showing contrast.
Next time, take a look at the detailing of that style you're wearing and think about all the design meetings and hours of layouts that it may have taken. crazy. It reminds me of that scene from the "Devil Wears Prada", when Meryl Streep's character is talking about the
cerulean sweater. ha! so true.and how much do you love that movie?
p.s I'm challenging myself to a new blog routine starting next Monday. I'm hoping for Mon, Wed, Friday and thrilled to meet up with my friend
Brandi to discuss a new blog layout.